Frictionless PHP Development

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Seamlessly run and switch between different versions of PHP, with different installed extensions, thanks to the power of containers.

Take the advantage of goodies commands like phpctl create to start a new project, phpctl repl to start a REPL, phpctl init to initialize a new configuration file and a lot more.

Getting started


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

That is it! Now you have phpctl available in your system.

Custom installation

You can also pass an argument to install at a custom location (e.g. ~/bin), but you have to make sure that folder is in your $PATH variable.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" ~/bin


brew install opencodeco/phpctl/phpctl

Or add the oppencodeco tap with brew tap opencodeco/phpctl and then brew install phpctl.


You can re-run the installer or use the self-update command:

phpctl self-update

For those using Homebrew brew upgrade opencodeco/phpctl/phpctl or when run brew update.


Simple as calling any other command in your terminal:

phpctl <command> [options]

You will also have aliases for the most common commands available without the phpctl prefix, like:

  • php
  • composer
  • phpunit
  • php-cs-fixer
  • etc

So you can use them as you would normally do:

php -v # same as `phpctl php -v`


composer --version # same as `phpctl composer --version`

Have fun! Feel free to open any issues or PRs.