The .phpctlrc file

You can also add a .phpctlrc file at project’s root directory with some overrides like:

Environment variables

Variable Description
PHP_VERSION Values can be 82 and 83
PHPCTL_IMAGE Use to name your own custom image

For example:


Docker behaviour

Run options

You can also provide any additional Docker run arguments using the args variable.

For example, suppose you want to bind the 9501 port from the running phpctl container to your host, you can add the following to your .phpctlrc file:

args=(-p 9501:9501)

Build options

You can also provide build options to the build command using the build variable:

build=(--build-arg APP_ENV=dev --label phprocks)


You can use Podman instead of Docker by setting the PHPCTL_RUNTIME variable to podman in your environment variables or at .phpctlrc file.

PHPCTL_RUNTIME=podman phpctl php -v

Host user

By default, phpctl creates an user considering host user. You can change from root to host user through PHPCTL_USER variable.

PHPCTL_USER=your_user phpctl sh whoami